₹ 1 coin was stuck in the neck of an 8 year old girl, it came out after 12 years through operation, the story will surprise you

₹ 1 coin was stuck in the neck of an 8 year old girl, it came out after 12 years through operation, the story will surprise you

Shubham Marmat/Ujjain. A surprising case has come to light in Ujjain. Here a one rupee coin remained stuck around the neck of a girl for 12 years. As the pain increased, the doctor removed the coin with great difficulty. According to the doctor, the coin remained hidden around the girl’s neck for 12 years, which was not visible even in the X-ray. At present, whoever comes to know about this incident is shocked.

Nazmeen’s father Farooq Khan, who lives in Indore, says that at the age of eight, a ₹ 1 coin got stuck in Nazmeen’s neck. At that time, when we patted his back, he vomited. Then it became normal. We thought maybe that coin had gone out. Surprisingly, the girl did not face any problems since then. Then she grew up. Sometimes he felt that food got stuck in his throat while eating.

Further told, after years Nazmeen’s weight started decreasing suddenly. Started having difficulty in eating food. We went to the doctor. We thought it would be a minor thing. But, when the doctor got the X-ray done, a shocking thing came to light. Even after 12 years, the coin was stuck in the neck. The doctor successfully removed the coin by operation. This Dr. has come as a messiah for our family.

I couldn’t believe it after seeing the X-ray
Dr. Choudhary says that a 20 year old girl came to us and told that she was having some problem in her throat. When examined, it was found that something was stuck in the throat. When the doctor asked the father, Farooq told that a coin had got stuck in the girl’s neck during her childhood. We thought maybe he might have left. When the doctor then showed the X-ray to the father, he was shocked. Farooq requested that this coin be removed somehow. The doctor operated on the daughter and removed the coin stuck in her throat. The girl is healthy now.

This is how the coin was found
Dr. Chaudhary told that when the coin got stuck, he had consulted a doctor. He also took an That’s why there was no problem for so long. When the chest was X-rayed, the coin was visible. After this the problem was discovered.

Tags: Doctor, Local18, Ujjain news, unique news

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