100% Subsidy On Agri Machinery Worth 5000 Rupees Under Rajasthan Agricultural Laborers Empowerment Mission

Subsidy on Agri Machinery: To make farming easier, the use of modern techniques and machines is being promoted. With the help of agricultural machinery, the work of several days is completed in a few hours. That’s why every class of farmer is being given subsidy by the government on the purchase of these agricultural machinery. These days, the Rajasthan government has also launched the ‘Rajasthan Krishi Shramik Sambal Mission’ scheme for agricultural workers, under which a subsidy of Rs 5,000 per family is given. Let us know in detail about these schemes.

Rajasthan Agricultural Workers Empowerment Mission
In this era of modernity, now every work is done with technology and machines. This saves time and labor. Agriculture is also a hard work in itself, in which farmers work hard and get the best production from the crops. In view of this contribution of farmers and agricultural laborers, the Rajasthan government has launched the ‘Rajasthan Krishi Shramik Sambal Mission’ scheme, under which a subsidy of Rs 5,000 is given on the purchase of agricultural machinery. The good thing is that the agricultural machinery whose cost is Rs 5,000 will be made available to the farmers and agricultural laborers on 100% subsidy.

Subsidy will be available on these devices
Under this scheme being run for landless farmers and agricultural laborers, there is a provision of 100% subsidy on some agricultural machinery. These agricultural implements include water cans, axes, grass cutters, bush shears, dribblers, weeding tools as well as 45 hand-operated hand tools. 100% discount will be given on any of these agricultural machinery which will cost Rs 5,000, that is, they will be available free of cost.

where to apply
To take advantage of the ‘Rajasthan Krishi Shramik Sambal Mission’ scheme, farmers of the state can contact their nearest district agriculture office, nearest agriculture center or official office. According to the rules of this scheme, the agriculture supervisor, village sarpanch and village development officer will select the beneficiary farmer.

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Agriculture budget announced
For information, let us tell you that the ‘Rajasthan Krishi Shramik Sambal Mission’ scheme was announced only in the Agriculture Budget 2022-23 of Rajasthan. The objective of this scheme with a budget of 100 crores is to provide hand operated machines to the laborers of Rajasthan at cheap prices.

The scheme aims to cover 2 lakh workers of the state, who will be given a subsidy of Rs 5,000 to buy agricultural machinery. The direct benefit of this scheme will be given to those landless farmers who work as laborers in the fields of other farmers. In such a situation, these landless farmers will be provided hand operated agricultural machinery on subsidy by the government.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

Read this also- Farmers are earning up to 15 lakhs from this work, government is also giving 60% money and credit card, you can also take advantage

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