1000 year old cemetery, strange things found with skeletons, mystery deepened by buckets tied to feet!

During excavations in ancient areas, experts have found a thousand-year-old cemetery. Investigation of its skeletons has revealed how people were decorated and buried in that period. But the surprising thing was that a wooden bucket was found tied to some skeletons. Experts have extracted a lot of information about this cemetery and have also guessed the mystery of the bucket.

This cemetery found near Kiev, Ukraine is said to be about a thousand years old. Many things have been found along with the skeletons, including rings around the necks of the skeletons along with buckets on their feet. The 107 skeletons found provide a glimpse of Europe’s Dark Ages, when the Roman Empire was coming to an end and the Renaissance was beginning in Italy.

In the graves, researchers have found axes, blades, spears, jewellery, bracelets and eggshells along with food remains such as chicken bones. Apart from this, there are also old bones of humans who ruled in North Eastern Europe. Old Christian rituals were performed in this cemetery.

Many unusual things have been found in the skeletons of the tombs. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

In this cemetery, both male and female skeletons have been found and only female skeletons have been found decorated. The ring around the neck of women was a kind of social symbol in that era, but the most surprising thing was the buckets tied to the feet which deepened the mystery.

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Experts have found wooden buckets tied to the legs of the skeletons. These wooden buckets have been found in the graves of only a few men. At present, experts have speculated that these buckets might have been related to some ritual or custom related to funeral rites. All these appear to be graves of upper class military men of the 11th century. This cemetery can tell a lot about the period when a large number of people in Kiev were adopting Christianity. Due to the war going on in Ukraine with Russia, this research is facing a lot of problems.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News

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