12 Indian citizens arrested in Britain on suspicion of visa violation, used to work in mattress and cake factory

UK immigration officials have arrested 12 Indian nationals on suspicion of illegally working in a mattress and cake factory in violation of visa conditions. Of those arrested, 11 are men and one woman. Now after this has come to light, the troubles of factory owners have also increased because they may be fined. To hire workers, it is necessary for the factory to conduct thorough testing of the people. If it is found that the illegal workers were not examined before hiring them, then both the factories may have to pay heavy fines.

By the UK Home Office on Wednesday  According to a statement issued on (April 10), immigration enforcement officers raided a unit involved in the mattress business in the West Midlands region of England. Officials had received intelligence that illegal work was being done there. According to the statement, authorities have arrested seven Indian citizens on charges of working illegally.

According to the Home Office, four more Indian nationals were arrested from a nearby cake factory, accused of violating visa conditions. Apart from this, an Indian woman has also been arrested on charges of immigration crimes.

Officials said that four people have been detained pending consideration of their removal from Britain or deportation to India. At the same time, the remaining eight people have been granted bail on the condition that they report to the Home Office regularly.

Meanwhile, if the allegation that illegal workers were employed in the factory concerned and necessary pre-employment tests were not conducted, both the units may face fines if it is proved.

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