Nowadays, many questions related to optical illusion quiz keep going viral on social media. In many, many numbers are hidden inside a picture and one has to find out one number from those numbers. Recently, one such photo has gone viral, in which number 14 is hidden in a crowd of 41. If you have eagle eyes, then prove this by finding 14 (Find 14 hidden in list of 41) within 10 seconds!
A funny puzzle is going viral on social media. There are many numbers written in this picture. All of them are 41 numbers. But one number in between has been reversed. That is, 41 has been changed to 14. Now since this is a question related to optical illusion and the photo is in front of you, if you want, you can find the number 14 by carefully examining each line, but then all the fun of the brain teaser will be ruined. Because of this, we have put a time limit in the question to make it difficult.
14 is hidden somewhere in this list of 41.
Answer in 10 seconds
We have set a time of 10 seconds, you have to find 14 numbers in that time limit. You will notice in the photo that the numbers are written in different colors. Many colors have also been repeated. Due to this, it has become even more difficult to find 14 in a crowd of 41. However, if you look at it carefully, then you will not find it so difficult to find it.
this is the correct answer
If you haven’t seen the number 14 yet, then let us help you. In the picture given below you can see where the number 14 is.

This is the correct answer, marked in red circle, 14 points.
For your convenience, we have marked it here with a red circle. If you gave the correct answer in 10 seconds, without cheating, then many congratulations to you, and if you could not give the correct answer, do not be disappointed, we will come back again with a new question related to optical illusion and then maybe you will be able to give the correct answer!
Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news
FIRST PUBLISHED : June 12, 2024, 18:02 IST