15 feet long python was suddenly seen in Agra people got shocked rescue operation

Agra. It is common for animals to reach residential areas during rainy days. However, in most of the cases the snake is rescued in time. In this sequence, a huge 15 feet long python snake was found in Kalindi Vihar Colony located in Agra city. There was panic among the people after seeing the giant python snake.

Due to continuous rains, incidents of python snakes being released have come to light at many places in the city. Local residents immediately called Wildlife SOS. The python was rescued after an hour of hard work.

Python was trapped under sewage slab

When the Wildlife SOS team reached the spot, they saw that the size of the python was very large and it was trapped under the sewage slab. A crowd of people has gathered to see the python. In such a situation, difficulties were faced in rescue. Due to the crowd of people, it took more than an hour for the team to rescue. The Wildlife SOS team also had to take the help of Agra Police in this work. The python was kept under observation for an hour and released into the forest. The python was so heavy that the Wildlife SOS team had to take the help of 5 people to lift the python.

Inform Wildlife SOS as soon as you see a snake.

Karthik Satyanarayana, co-founder and CEO of Wildlife SOS, said that it is never easy to find and save such a big python in a crowded urban area. Grateful for the cooperation of the local authorities and police, who ensured that the rescue operation went smoothly. He has also appealed to the people to inform the wildlife if a snake is seen anywhere in your area. As soon as the information is received, the Wildlife SOS team will reach the spot and the snake will be rescued and released into its natural habitat.

Tags: agra news, Awesome Awesome, Local18, Snake Rescue, UP news

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