1500 year old tomb, treasure found inside, such things were revealed during investigation, scientists were shocked!

There are many such things in the world, whose secrets surprise people as soon as they are revealed. People in Germany also felt the same when the secret of a 1500 year old tomb was revealed. Actually, 8 years ago a cemetery like place was found in Germany, where an ancient grave was found which was said to be 1500 years old (1500 year old grave Germany). Scientists also found items belonging to a woman in this grave. Only now have scientists been able to get more information about those items.

According to the report of Daily Star News website, a burial site was found 8 years ago in Pforring, Bavaria. There was a grave here, on digging inside which the scientists found many items which were from ancient times and were related to some woman. Many things like two bronze keys, a needle box made of bone, several bronze rings, some Roman coins, sea snail shell, walnut pendant, etc. were found in it.

According to scientists, these things were not just related to fashion, they also had spiritual importance. (Photo: Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments (BLfD))

Surprising things revealed in research
All these things were tied with a leather strip. It was clear that it must have been worn as a belt pendant. Earlier archaeologists thought that it was a fashion item, which had no other meaning. But now research has shown that these items also have spiritual importance. In ancient times, walnut was associated with fertility and protection.

Things are connected since ancient times
Scientists believe that it might have been a kind of amulet or talisman, which might have been worn by the girl, so that life after death would be happy. Researchers believe that through these things the culture of ancient Danube Lime can be easily traced. During the Roman Empire, the Danube Limes was the area from present-day Germany to the Black Sea. Many forts, army camps, watchtowers etc. were built here to keep an eye.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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