2 girls jumped into the sea, went down 8 kilometers, created a record which no one has been able to do till date

The waves of the sea attract everyone. But two girls living in Scotland have done such a feat that you will be surprised to know. Both the girls jumped into the sea and while diving, went down 8 kilometers. Till date no person has been able to accomplish this feat. This depth is almost equal to the height of Mount Everest. The height of Mount Everest has been measured up to 9,000 meters.

According to BBC report, Edinburgh-based scientist Heather Stewart dived on the Bakunawa submersible in the South Pacific Ocean with her partner Kate Wawatai. Both remained under the sea for about 10 hours. And finally made this rare record in his name. Marine geologist Professor Stewart said, we were unaware that we were really going to break a world record. I didn’t realize it until that day. When we were descending, Kate said, I think this will be the first time that a woman has descended to such a depth. And that’s exactly what happened. Both of them made world records in their name.

Please celebrate my friend & former shipmate Kate Wawatai + marine geologist Heather Stewart who just made a world-record dive into the Nova-Canton Trough (Central Pacific), a first for an all-female submersible team, with Kate as PILOT!!! cc @VictorVescovo pic.twitter.com/UTwJpHcRJr

—Dr. Dawn Wright + @deepseedawn.bsky.social (@deepseedawn) April 19, 2024

FIRST PUBLISHED: May 10, 2024, 17:07 IST

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