21 kg kohra, 5 feet long gourd, very strange things seen in farmer fair, crowds gathered to see

21 kg kohra, 5 feet long gourd, very strange things seen in farmer fair, crowds gathered to see21 kg kohra, 5 feet long gourd, very strange things seen in farmer fair, crowds gathered to see

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There was a lot of discussion about some of the products of farmers at the Kisan Fair. Konda and five feet long gourd remained the center of attraction weighing about 21 kg.


People watching big size pumpkin and gourd


  • 21 kg Konda and 5 feet long gourd were the center of attraction.
  • 40 stalls were set up at the fair, the most crowds were on fruits and vegetables.
  • Farmers will be rewarded for outstanding products.

GopalganjOn Saturday, a three-day Kisan Mela-cum-fruit, flower and vegetable exhibition were inaugurated in the District Agricultural Office Complex. 40 stalls have been set up for different departments in this fair by the soul of the Agriculture Department. In this, the most crowded was at the stall of fruits and flowers and vegetables.

There was a lot of discussion about some products of farmers. Konda and five feet long gourd remained the center of attraction weighing about 21 kg. Apart from this, cauliflower of three forts, two and a half kilos of cabbage 300 grams of potatoes and many medicinal crops also wooed people. People kept taking information about it. It was informed by the department that the samples displayed in the exhibition will be evaluated by the committee and the selected farmers will be rewarded by the soul office, Gopalganj for their outstanding product/samples on the third and last day of the fair.

Agricultural equipment available at subsidized rates
The subsidy on the permit issued by the department was set up in the door of agricultural machinery vendors. Where agricultural implements were sold according to the permits issued by the Department of Agriculture. Other devices including thresher, rotavator, harvester, reaper, binder, firefighter motor, ladi machine, mini rice mill, mini floor mill, mini tractor were purchased. Different grants were found on different instruments.

Farmers are getting information about technology in the fair
On Saturday, the Kisan Mela was inaugurated by ADM Ashish Kumar Sinha, MLC Rajiv Kumar, DAO Lalan Kumar Suman and other officials. After the inauguration, the authorities inspected all the stalls set up by the department. After this, the fair started duly. After this, the District Agriculture Officer and other officials of the department gave information about various schemes being run for the farmers. At the same time, giving training related to weather-based crops by the preferred scientist-cum-oriented Krishi Vigyan Kendra, he was taught the qualities of farming in a modern way.


21 kg kohra, 5 feet long gourd, farmer fair seen very strange things

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