3 out of 10 people are being careless about their health, you are also making this mistake, so be cautious, otherwise…

High BP Prevention : Many diseases can be avoided by changing small habits. A little change in daily routine can improve heart health. It will never cause problems like high BP. A report by Economic Times states that about 30 percent of people aged 18 to 54 years in the country have never checked their BP i.e. blood pressure. Citing ICMR-NCDIR study, the report says that 3 out of 10 people of this age have never checked their BP. Due to which dangerous diseases like stroke, heart attack, kidney failure increase. In such a situation, if you want to avoid problems like high blood pressure, then you should include 5 changes in your habits from today itself.

Do 5 things to avoid high BP

1. Stay physically active

If you remain physically active, i.e. you exercise every day, your blood pressure will not only remain under control, but your mood, power and balance will also be great. This reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. According to AHA, doing strength training at least two days a week can also have many benefits.

2. Focus on weight and stress management

Increasing obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure. Therefore, high BP can be avoided by keeping weight under control. At the same time, this problem can also be controlled by managing stress. For this, breathing exercises should be done.

3. Food should be rich in nutrients

If you eat right and nutrient-rich food, you can keep systolic blood pressure low to a great extent. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, lean meat should be included in the diet and processed-unhealthy fatty foods should be thrown out.

4. Control salt

If you want to reduce blood pressure, you will have to reduce sodium. When too much salt or sodium is consumed, the body starts accumulating fluid. Due to which blood pressure increases rapidly. Instead of salt, some spices can be used to enhance the taste of food.

5. Stay away from smoking and alcohol

Smoking can increase blood pressure. Smoking increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. WHO also considers alcohol injurious to health. There is a risk of many diseases due to this.

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