3 year old girl came alive after 12 hours of death, started shouting from inside the coffin – Mother, Mother, after reading this, your heart will tremble!

No human being has control over life and death. It is in the hands of God alone. But on earth, doctors have been given the status of God. In the most difficult situations, it is these doctors who bring a person back from death. But this does not happen every time. Many times they make mistakes unknowingly. Then we realize that in reality no one else has the key to our life except God. A doctor living in Mexico made one such mistake. You will be surprised to know that this doctor declared the girl who came for treatment dead, but just before the last rites the girl became alive.

This matter is going viral on social media. It is said that 3-year-old Camila Roxana, a resident of Mexico, was suffering from stomach infection. He was admitted to the hospital for treatment. But the doctors could not cure him. Later he saw that Camila’s breathing had stopped. In such a situation, they declared him dead. Due to this the condition of Camila’s parents worsened. He was very sad. But twelve hours after his death suddenly a miracle happened. Camila’s mother felt that her daughter locked in the coffin was calling her. She immediately started opening the coffin, but people started stopping her. Later, after much effort, when the coffin was opened, it was proved to be true. The girl got up and sat in the coffin. This incident took place on August 17, 2022 in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, but this story is going viral on social media.

How did the doctors declare him dead?
The question arises that when the girl sitting in the coffin was alive, why did the doctors declare her dead? In response to this question, the doctors told that the girl was admitted to Salinas de Hildalgo Community Hospital after stomach infection. His heart beat had stopped during treatment. Even breathing had stopped. In such a situation, the doctors declared him dead. But later the girl became alive. People are considering it a miracle.

The mother was sure that the child was alive…
The parents were devastated by the news of the death of the innocent girl. But the mother of the 3-year-old innocent child could not believe that her daughter had died. She was not ready to believe that the girl could die due to fever following stomach infection. She was shouting again and again that her daughter was not dead. But family members and doctors started considering it a shock. The girl’s body was also kept away from her mother. Even the next day, just before the funeral, when Camelia’s mother started saying that her daughter was shaking in the coffin, people did not believe it. Eventually the girl started crying from inside and started calling her mother. People were shocked and immediately opened the coffin and saw that the girl was alive. She got up and sat in the coffin.

Tags: Strange and strange, The news is coming, OMG, Shocking news

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