3 years old daughter’s room used to smell strong, disgusting thing came out from behind the bed, death could have happened!

Generally people clean their house regularly. If the room is cleaned, then there is no smell of any kind. But in today’s time people also use room fresheners with different types of fragrances. But no matter how much Terri Harrigan, who lives in Hackney, London, cleaned her daughter’s room, it did not stop smelling. He couldn’t understand where this smell was coming from. When she finally put her daughter’s bed on the side, what she saw shocked her mother.

Terry shared his story with the people. He told that in her three years of life, Suki’s daughter Ariela spent most of the time ill. He could not understand that without going anywhere, how his daughter’s health was so bad? But when he saw behind the daughter’s bed, he understood everything. Actually, the council from which he had taken the house, instead of removing the fungus in the daughter’s room, had just painted over it. Because of this fungus, her daughter’s health used to be bad.

had trouble breathing

Terri shifted to the house with her family in December 2019. The house was newly painted at that time. Because of this Terry did not know the reality. Terri used to smell strong smell from her daughter’s room even after cleaning lakhs. When he removed the mattress, he found that there was fungus inside. This fungus had spread from the walls of the house to the clothes kept in the kitchen, toilet, ceiling and cupboards of the house. Because of this, his daughter’s health was bad.

Daughter used to sleep on this bed

Mother’s heart was shocked
Terri told that when she removed her daughter’s bed for the first time, her soul trembled. He immediately complained about it. According to Terri, if her daughter had stayed in such a room for some more time, she might have lost her life. Terry told that he tried to remove the fungus with water. But it increases again in a week. His family spent all their money to buy this house. Because of this, he cannot even shift to a new house. Terry shared his story with people and warned them. It is advised to check the walls once before buying a house. Pictures of Terry’s house are going viral on social media.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Good news, Weird news

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