4 lanes…6 lanes is a dream! When no one listened, the villagers themselves built a kutcha road, said- this is the condition since independence

Gumla. The rainy season has arrived. As soon as it rains, movement of people becomes difficult, especially on unpaved roads. The condition of Telgaon Panchayat of Sadar block of Gumla is also similar. Despite being adjacent to the district headquarters, even after so many years of independence, a paved road has not been built. Let us tell you that the distance of this village from the district headquarters is only about 3 km. Despite that, the road has not been constructed here. As soon as the rains come, this road becomes unfit for walking. Due to which the villagers here have to face a lot of troubles, especially during the rainy days.

3 km road built by doing shramdaan

The villagers themselves made the 3 km long kutcha road from Phulwar Toli to Chaha Baraha Toli walkable by donating their labour. Let us tell you that as soon as the rainy season comes, the kutcha road gets filled with potholes, waterlogging and mud. Due to this, children going to school and college, patients going to hospital and people going for their work have to face a lot of problems. Walking on this road is a big challenge, let alone two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-wheelers. In such a situation, there is a possibility of an accident while traveling by vehicle. Four-wheelers cannot even reach the village.

Gave written application many times, no hearing took place
Rekha Kujur, a woman from the village, said that we villagers have made the administration and public representatives aware of the problems by submitting written applications several times. But despite this, no initiative has been taken on this till now. We villagers leave our farming and other work and do manual labour to make the road fit for walking. We men and women, young men and women, children all work together to repair the road by doing manual labour. We also collect donations and bear the expenses of tractor, fuel and collectively. Still, there is a fear that the road will be in the same condition after the rain. Public representatives only give assurances and use us. Public representatives will be taught a lesson in the upcoming elections.

This is the expectation from the government
Namita Lakra, a woman from the village, told Local 18 that the kutcha road from Fulwar Toli to Chaha Barha Toli village in Gumla’s Sadar block is in bad condition. We face a lot of difficulty in commuting. This problem increases further during the rainy season. We also face a lot of difficulty in walking. Also, children also face a lot of difficulty in going to school. Bicycles, motorcycles, tempos cannot run from here. Where the road is very bad, one has to get down and go there. There is a problem in that too. Therefore, we, the people of the village, have made this road walkable by doing voluntary work. We expect and demand from the government and the administration that PCC roads be built in our village so that it is very easy for us to travel.

Tags: Amazing news, Gumla news, Jharkhand news, Lifestyle, Local18

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