4 reasons why your washing machine catches fire in summer know to save it

Why washing machine catches fire: These days people in many states of the country are troubled due to the scorching heat. Due to the intense heat, incidents of washing machines catching fire are increasing at many places. To avoid such incidents, habits need to be changed. Recently, a washing machine lying in the balcony in Ghaziabad’s Rajnagar Extension became a blazing fireball. In such a situation, we will give you information about why washing machines are catching fire?

Why does fire occur?

According to reports, liquid oil is poured into the motor of the machine and if the machine comes in contact with high temperature, the chances of fire increase significantly. Even if your washing machine is lying in the balcony and the switch is on, there is a risk of fire. There can be other reasons for fire in a washing machine such as short circuit. Keeping the washing machine in the sun can cause the wires and other electronic devices to heat up and get damaged, which can cause a short circuit and a fire.

stop making these mistakes

Of course, the scorching heat can be one reason for a fire in a washing machine, but we also make some mistakes due to which the machine catches fire. If the plug of your washing machine is on in the sun, then keep it off. People keep the washing machine in the balcony but do not cover it, due to which the wires of the machine start getting damaged quickly,

Washing machines are extremely useful appliances in our homes, but they can also pose a fire hazard. If you want to avoid a washing machine fire, keep these tips in mind:

Do not overload the washing machine

Overloading a washing machine makes the machine work harder, which can cause the motor to overheat and cause a fire. Fill the washing machine drum with only as many clothes as it can hold.

Clean regularly

Accumulation of dust, lint and other debris can increase the risk of a fire in a washing machine. Therefore, it is important to clean and maintain the washing machine regularly. This includes cleaning the filter, wiping down the drum and cleaning the exterior. If you notice any fault in the electrical wiring, stop using the washing machine immediately and call a qualified electrician.

Faulty electrical wiring in washing machine Faulty electrical wiring can be a major cause of fire in washing machine. If you notice any fault in the electrical wiring, stop using the washing machine immediately and call a qualified electrician.

Provide proper space for the washing machine

If the washing machine does not get proper space, the motor may overheat and cause a fire. Settle the washing machine by giving it at least 12 inches of space.

  • Keep away from sunlight: Keep the washing machine away from sunlight, in a cool and airy place where there is no direct sunlight.
  • Cover: If there is a washing machine in the balcony, keep it covered with a thick cloth.
  • Keep in the shade: If the washing machine has to be kept outside, then keep it in a place where it gets shade.
  • Keep the power off: If you are not using the washing machine, keep the power switch off.

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