400 year old painting raises questions, how is Nike’s mark on the shoe, is it a matter of time travel?

In today’s time, time travel is a topic which is often discussed. You must have heard from many people that this is just a rumour, it is not possible, but many people keep calling time travel a reality by citing some things. A 400 year old painting (400 year old painting time travel) often goes viral, about which people claim that either its painter was a time traveler (Time traveler painting), or he was the child whose photo he made in the painting. He was a time traveller.

According to the report of Mirror, Dutch painter Ferdinand Bol had made a painting in the 17th century, which is displayed in the National Gallery of London. In this painting (Nike shoes in 400 year old painting) a child is seen, whose shoes have the logo of Nike company. Seeing this photo, people claim time travel. Nike company was formed in 1964. Even today people do not know the answer clearly as to how a company’s logo can be made on shoes.

The Nike logo is on the shoes of the child in the photo. (Photo: National Gallery)

Unique thing seen in the painting
In this painting, an 8 year old child is standing holding a cup of wine in his hand. It is believed that this painting was made in the year 1650. According to a 2023 report by The Sun, a 57-year-old woman named Fiona Fawcett had gone to the London Museum with her 23-year-old daughter Holly where she saw this painting. While talking to Sun, the woman said that she was looking at the painting when suddenly her eyes fell on the child’s shoes. She said- I immediately looked at the shoes and asked my daughter whether she was wearing Nike trainers?

Was the child a time traveler?
The woman said that after seeing this, both of them started laughing and thought that either the painter must have been a time traveler, or the child was a time traveler. It is believed that the child present in the painting is Frederick Sluysken, who is a cousin of painter Ferdinand Bol’s wife and the son of a wealthy wine merchant. At that time, the National Gallery had said in a statement that they were happy that the paintings of the museum are so famous among the people.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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