5 benefits of exercise for your heart walking running swimming cycling playing tennis and jumping rope

Tips for Healthy Heart: The heart is the most delicate and important organ of our body. It is very important to keep it healthy because if it is not healthy, the risk of heart attack can increase. Due to which life can also be lost. It is also called a silent killer. Famous Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit’s husband Dr. Shri Ram Nene has given special tips to keep the heart healthy. He recently shared a video. In which he gave special tips to keep the heart healthy.

Dr. Nene has shared a reel on her Instagram. In which she is giving special tips to keep the heart healthy.






These 5 physical activities help keep your heart healthy:

To keep the heart healthy, a special diet is very important. Some special things must be included in the diet. This is very good for heart health. Let’s know how to keep the heart healthy.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is very beneficial for the heart. It contains plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber,

Whole grains: Include whole grains like brown rice, wheat bread in your diet

Healthy Protein: Include healthy proteins like fish, chicken, beans and nuts in your diet, they are very beneficial for health.

What to do to avoid silent heart attack

According to health experts, due to bad lifestyle and lack of exercise, many diseases start to grip us as we grow older. In such a situation, young people should adopt a healthy routine. Maintain body weight, get regular checkups of BP, cholesterol, sugar and body mass, blood pressure, so that it can be known where the problem is. This can help in avoiding problems in time and its risks can be controlled.

Definitely get this test done

If you are between 25 and 35 years old, then you must get some tests done before going to the gym. If you get tests like lipoprotein A, HA CRP, chronic calcium done along with ECG, Echo and TMT, then a lot can be found out. If the results of these tests are good then there is no need to fear. If the results are negative then you can start taking medicines after consulting a doctor.

Ways to prevent silent heart attack

1. Get enough sleep, so that the body remains healthy.

2. Do not workout more than necessary.

3. Avoid mental stress

4. Laugh loudly

5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

6. Do diet and exercise.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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