8-year-old daughter ran away with her mother’s car, everyone was shocked to see her driving on the road, immediately informed the police!

What can we say about the mischief of children! Sometimes they throw household items and sometimes they make so much noise that the family members get disturbed. Nowadays, children are mostly busy playing games on mobile. But some children do such big mischiefs unknowingly that it puts their lives in danger. A similar danger started looming over an 8-year-old girl (8 year old girl drive car) when she went out on the road with her mother’s car. Imagine what the scene would be like when such a small girl is seen driving a car on the road! Seeing this scene, people immediately called the police. Then what was revealed will blow your mind!

According to the report of Daily Star News website, this case is from Bedford, Ohio, USA. Here an 8-year-old girl did such a mischief that people were very surprised after knowing about it. It happened that the girl had a 2020 model Nissan Rogue car in her house. Last Sunday the car suddenly disappeared from the house. But more surprising than that was that the girl was also missing from the house. It was found that she had run away with the car as a mischief.

The girl was found 20 km away from her home
Everyone wondered how an 8-year-old girl could drive a car and do such a big mischief! But this turned out to be true. She drove off with the car and when some common people saw her driving on the road, they immediately informed the police. When the police searched, the car was found in a supermarket named Target, about 20 kilometers away from the house.

The car collided with just one thing!
The girl was inside the store. When the police questioned her, she told that while coming there she had hit a mailbox on the way, but she did not hit the car with anything else. This is a matter of great surprise for everyone because it is a matter of thought that an 8-year-old girl would drive like this. Now the police is investigating the matter, but the girl is so young that the police is still thinking about whether to file a case against her or not.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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