9/11 attack Horrific picture is viral photojournalist Bill Bigart had captured it on camera just before he died

9/11 Attack: Today, Wednesday, is the 23rd anniversary of the devastating 9/11 terrorist attacks. This attack shook the United States to its core. The 2001 attack on New York City’s iconic World Trade Center had far-reaching global consequences. This attack reminded the world’s most powerful countries of their weakness. A photo related to this horrific incident is becoming increasingly viral these days, which was captured by photojournalist Bill Biggart before he died in these attacks.

NDTV reported that the Pentagon and the Twin Towers in Pennsylvania were damaged in the unfortunate incident of 9/11. About 3 thousand people lost their lives in this attack. Photojournalist Bill Biggart was also among those who witnessed this horrific incident firsthand. Bravely covering the chaos and destruction, Biggart captured a horrifying photo of the crumbling remains of the Twin Towers. Sadly, this photo proved to be his last frame.

The journalist’s wife called him at the last moment
Bigart, a veteran press photographer in the US, was known for his passion for capturing conflict and social movements domestically and internationally. His work often took him into dangerous situations, where he fearlessly documented the realities of war and injustice. PetaPixel reported that during the attack, Bill Bigart’s wife called him on his cellphone to tell him that it was not an accident but a terrorist attack. He reassured his wife, saying, ‘I am fine and I am with the firemen.’

Bill Biggart had reached close to both the towers
Bolivar Arellano, a New York Post photographer who was covering the tragedy, saw his colleague Bill Biggart at the scene. According to Arellano, Biggart was closer to the towers than any other photographer and closer than many firefighters. At 10:28:22 a.m. the massive north tower collapsed. At 10:28:24 a.m., Bill Biggart captured a stunning photograph of the surviving base of the north tower as well as the ruins of the south tower. The scene was a sad picture of industrial development, shattered by dust and smoke.

The whole building fell on Bill Bigard
Bill Biggart is believed to have been looking through the viewfinder of his Canon D30 when 500,000 tons of glass, concrete and steel suddenly fell on him at 120 miles per hour. Four days after the tragedy, rescuers recovered Biggart’s body from beneath the rubble of what was once the World Trend Center. Biggart was the only professional photojournalist killed in the attack.

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