9/11 Attack this special TSA squad was formed in America after 9/11 attack now it cannot even kill a bird

Today marks 23 years since the 9/11 attacks in America. In fact, on this day 23 years ago, i.e. on 11 September 2001, terrorists hijacked four passenger planes of America and then crashed them into different tall buildings of America. Two planes crashed into two buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. Many people died in this and there was chaos everywhere. After this, a passenger plane crashed into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Defense Department, located a little distance from Washington DC.

Whereas, the fourth plane crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania at ten past three. However, after this attack many things changed in America. Especially in terms of security, America became stronger than ever. After this attack, a special squad was formed in America. It is said that after the formation of this squad, American planes and airports are now completely safe.

What is the name of this special squad

After this attack, America formed a special squad to check airports and planes. The name of this squad is Transportation Security Administration (TSA). It is said that this special squad is so expert in its work that even the slightest movement of terrorists comes under its notice. TSA was established on November 19, 2001. Currently, the main work of TSA is to ensure the security of all means of transport including airports, trains, buses, sea routes and roads.

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How many people died in the 9/11 attack

A total of 2977 people died in the 9/11 attack. Most of these people died due to the attack on the World Trade Center in New York. 2606 people died due to the collapse of both towers of the World Trade Center. In the four planes that were hijacked, there were 246 people including crew members and all of them died. In the attack on the Pentagon, 125 people lost their lives. A two-year-old child also died in this attack, 2-year-old Kristin Lee Hanson was the youngest to die in these accidents. She was on the same plane with her parents, which was hijacked by terrorists.

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