How dangerous is micro plastic? Know what are the chances of getting cancer from it

How dangerous is micro plastic? Know what are the chances of getting cancer from it

Micro plastics are extremely small plastic particles that get mixed in the air, water, and food items around us. These particles are so small that we cannot even see them, but they can easily reach our body. Now the question is, are these particles dangerous for us and do they pose a risk of cancer?

Dangers of micro plastic
Micro plastic is being found almost everywhere these days. It can be present in our food items, such as salt, sugar, water, and even in the air. When we consume these things, these particles go into our body. The biggest danger of micro plastic is that it can accumulate in the body and cause many health problems over time.

Can micro plastic cause cancer?
So far there is no concrete evidence that micro plastic directly causes cancer. However, some research has found that micro plastic can cause inflammation and other problems in the body. When these particles stay inside the body for a long time, it can damage the cells, which can further increase the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

How to avoid micro plastic?

  • Use less plastic: Try to use plastic items as little as possible, especially avoid storing food items in plastic.
  • Drink filtered water: Drink water after filtering it properly, so that the micro plastic present in it can be removed.
  • Do not use plastic bottles: Avoid drinking water in plastic bottles, as they may also contain micro plastic.
  • Take care of cleanliness: Keep your house and surrounding area clean, so that the micro plastic present in the air can be avoided.

Other important things 
Micro plastic has become such a part of our life that it should be avoided completely. It is difficult. However, considering its dangers, we need to make some changes in our lives. By adopting habits like using less plastic, drinking filtered water, and taking care of cleanliness, we can reduce the effect of micro plastic in our body. It is dangerous for health. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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