In this city of the world, every second person is a millionaire, the rich have dominance

In this city of the world, every second person is a millionaire, the rich have dominance

The world’s richest people live in New York, America. Yes, every second person here is richer than the common people. Today we will tell you how people are so rich in this city and at what speed the number of millionaires is increasing here.


Every person in the world wants money. But let us tell you that every 24th person in New York, America is a millionaire. After this, San Francisco Bay Area is at second place and Tokyo is at third place. No city of India is in the top 10 in this list. However, the number of millionaires in Bangalore, India has doubled in the last 10 years. In terms of per capita income, Monaco has been number one in the world, 40 percent of the population here is a millionaire.

New York has the most millionaires

According to this list of richest cities released by Henley & Partners, there are about 3,49,500 millionaires in New York. In the last 10 years, this number has increased by about 48 percent. The total population of New York is about 82 lakhs. In such a situation, every 24th person living there is a millionaire. According to the report, 60 ultra rich people also live in New York. Apart from this, 744 people have assets worth more than 10 crore dollars.

How many millionaires in which city

In this list, Henley & Partners has included those people who have at least 10 lakh dollars worth investing. There are 3,05,700 millionaires in San Francisco Bay Area. Tokyo, which is third on the list, has 2,98,300 millionaires. However, the number of millionaires in this city has decreased by 5 percent in a decade. Singapore, which is fourth on the list, has 2,44,800 millionaires. Here, 3400 millionaires have increased in the year 2023 alone. 

Number of rich people in Bengaluru, India

Bengaluru has made a big jump in terms of the number of millionaires. The number of rich people worth investing here has almost doubled in a decade. At the same time, the number of millionaires in London has decreased by 10 percent in a decade. Apart from this, this figure has also gone down by 4 percent in Hong Kong. At the same time, the number of millionaires in Shenzhen, China has increased by 140 percent. The number of millionaires has also doubled in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and Scottsdale in the US.

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