Crows have brains as sharp as computers! They pick up cigarette butts and make deals for food in return

Crows have brains as sharp as computers! They pick up cigarette butts and make deals for food in return

You must have seen crows in your daily life. Sometimes they sit on the roof of the house and sometimes they make noise on the branch of a tree. You must be thinking that they are ordinary like other birds, but do you know that the brain of crows (Crow trained to pick up cigarette butts) is as sharp as a computer? In countries like France and Sweden, people did something with crows that will shock everyone. People gave such training to crows that they can protect the environment and also feed themselves. These crows started picking up cigarette butts and started trading for food in return.

According to the report of Euro News website, an experiment was conducted with crows in 2018. Puy du Fou theme park in the west of France (France crow experiment) had taught the crows to pick up cigarette butts lying in the park. Along with this, they were also taught to pick up other small things lying here and there. They did not eat these pieces after picking them up, but they picked them up and brought them to a machine and put them in it. Then food would come out for them from that machine, which they would eat.

Teaching birds to pick up cigarettes
In this way, research was also done on the brain of birds and they were also prepared to protect the environment. A similar initiative was taken in Sweden in 2022. There too, they pick up cigarette butts lying here and there and in return they are given food. Instagram account @pubcity But a post related to crows of France has also been shared.

The post is going viral
This post has received 55 thousand likes and many people have given their reactions by commenting. One asked whether humans can be trained to clean their own mess! One said that soon these crows will take out cigarettes from people’s mouths. One said that why don’t humans clean their own mess, what is the need for birds?

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Viral video, Weird news

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