She wanted a zero figure, the doctor did a surgery, the result was like this, the girl is banging her head!

She wanted a zero figure, the doctor did a surgery, the result was like this, the girl is banging her head!

You must have seen many people around you who are very conscious about their weight. This should be so because it is very important to keep weight under control to stay healthy. The problem arises when it becomes a fad and we ignore our health and become crazy about looking slim.

Today we will tell you about one such girl. Although her height was more than 5 feet 4 inches and her weight was only 50 kg. In such a situation she looked slim. Despite this she had to reduce her belly fat. The incident she did in this attempt will make her regret it all her life.

A skinny girl underwent an operation
According to the report of South China Morning Post, a 25-year-old girl named Mei lived in Zhejiang Province. Her height was 1.65 meters and her weight was 50 kilograms. In such a situation, she reached Shulan Hangzhou Hospital to get the fat removed to make her stomach look flat. She told the doctor that she has tried everything but the fat on her stomach does not go away. In such a situation, she wants to undergo liposuction surgery. After listening to her, the doctor performed the surgery.

Then what happened became a regret…
After the surgery, the girl stopped having periods. When the doctor examined her, it was found that the size of the girl’s ovaries had become very small and she could never become a mother. According to Dr. Zhong, just as obesity causes infertility, being too thin can also make a woman infertile. A little fat on the stomach of women is normal, so that the internal organs can remain safe. Excessive loss of fat can cause problems in the reproduction system.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Viral news

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