Mauna Loa The Worlds Largest Volcano Erupted Again In Hawaii After 39 Years The Sky Turned Red

Mauna Loa The Worlds Largest Volcano Erupted Again In Hawaii After 39 Years The Sky Turned Red

Mauna Loa Volcano: Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano, has started erupting after 39 years in the Hawaiian Islands. This volcano, lying dormant for four decades, suddenly started erupting on Sunday. After the eruption, the whole sky turned red and the debris coming out of the volcano got accumulated around. According to the American Geological Survey, after the eruption of the volcano, emergency crews were put on alert in the entire area. However, after its explosion, the debris that came out of it did not go far.

The amazing view of the eruption of Mauna Loa was captured in the camera installed by the Geological Survey. It was seen how a long lava stream came out from the mouth of the volcano and then spread around. Lava and other debris that came out after its explosion remained only in a limited area. The material emanating from it was also seen from far away areas. Harmful gases are still coming out of it. People in the surrounding area have been alerted that gases and fine ash coming out of the volcano may come their way.

There are a total of 6 active volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands.

Let us tell you that there are 6 active volcanoes in Hawaii Island, out of which Mauna Loa is considered to be the largest volcano in the world, which was lying silent for the last four decades. But due to earthquake tremors around it, it was being speculated that it could explode anytime.

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According to the American Geological Survey, Mauna Loa has erupted about 33 times since 1843. Prior to this, this volcano had erupted in the year 1984, in which lava was flowing continuously for 22 days in an area of ​​7 km. Compared to that, this time the explosion cannot be called big. In the year 2018, about 700 houses were destroyed due to the eruption of the Kilauea volcano near Mauna Loa in the Hawaiian island itself.

Rising 13,679 feet (4,169 m) above the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Loa is part of a chain of six volcanoes that make up the islands of Hawaii.

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