Indo Danish Center Of Excellence For Dairy With 200 Denmark Cows Is Being Constructed In Una HP

Indo Danish Center Of Excellence For Dairy With 200 Denmark Cows Is Being Constructed In Una HP

Indo-Danish Center of Excellence: India is soon going to get its first Center of Excellence – Dairy Farm with the help of the Government of Denmark. This Center of Excellence-Dairy Farm is being built in Basal, Una, Himachal Pradesh. This dairy farm, which will be built at a cost of about 44.12 crores, will be equipped with modern machinery and robotic technology, where all the work from extracting milk from cows to cleaning, lifting cow dung will be done by robots and machines only.

There is a plan to provide good breed cows and increase milk production along with training to the farmers and animal herders in the Center for Excellence-Dairy Farm, to be built in collaboration with the Government of Denmark. For this, the state government is also spending Rs 12.92 crore.

Denmark will give 200 cows
Preparations for the construction of the Indo-Danish Dairy Center of Excellence of the Animal Husbandry Department to be built at Basal in Una district of Himachal Pradesh have intensified. To speed up this project, consultant Helj Koman from Denmark’s engineering and technology firm is also on Himachal visit.

Hails Koman met all the officials of the Animal Husbandry Department and discussed all the technical aspects related to this project. During this meeting, Helj Koman told that 200 cows will also be made available from Denmark in the Center of Excellence to be built in Basal, Una.

Center of Excellence will be built in 10 hectares
This center of excellence equipped with modern techniques to be set up in Una will help in increasing milk production and connecting cattle herders with new dairy techniques through training. Regarding this project, Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry Department, Una, Dr. Jai Singh Sen said that with the cooperation of Denmark, Dairy Excellence Center will be constructed on about 10 hectares of Basal land.

For this, a memorandum of understanding has also been signed between the Government of India and Denmark. In this way, Basal’s Dairy Excellence Center will be the country’s first Center of Excellence-Dairy Farm.

equipped with modern technologies
India’s first Dairy Center of Excellence to be built in Una, Himachal Pradesh is being equipped with Danish machines, cows and modern robotics. In the first phase of this project, Denmark will give 200 cows, which will be looked after by robots and modern machines.

This will be Himachal’s first hi-tech dairy farm, where mechanical work will be done instead of manual work. Here the cleaning of the cow, fodder feeding, milking, cow dung removal will all be done with the help of robotics.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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