Like a phone, the human body also has a ‘flight mode’, this is how the condition becomes

Like a phone, the human body also has a ‘flight mode’, this is how the condition becomes

In this era of internet, phone has become a necessity for everyone. Today most people have smart phone and internet facility. But when a user has to turn off the net and network of the phone, or while traveling in flight, it has to be put in flight mode. But do you know that human body also has flight mode. Yes, know how the flight mode of human body works.

Flight mode

Smart phone has become a necessity for every person today. But when any user has to turn off all types of networks of his phone, which includes internet, calling network, Bluetooth mode, then the user puts it in flight mode. But do you know when the human body goes into flight mode. Human body

Let us tell you that deviation of any person from his original nature is the reason for mental and physical stress. At the same time, the desire to do something more than or against one’s nature and basic nature puts the body in ‘flight mode’. Or it gives birth to ‘threat mode’.

What is flight mode 

Now the question is what is flight mode in the human body. Let us tell you that when any kind of danger is felt, some natural chemical reactions take place in the body, which increases the efficiency of the person extraordinarily, but soon it causes fatigue. On the other hand, the education system, influenced by the efficiency developed by this process, establishes it in our subconscious mind as a regular habit through gradual practice. After which we become accustomed to seeing every situation in life as a threat. 

When does the body get the signal?

You must have felt many times that when you feel danger at some place, the body immediately tells you. Not only this, many times you also move away from there after understanding the coming problem. Apart from this, some people face the problems instead of running away from them. But some people run away from these problems out of fear. All these changes in the body happen due to flight mode. The brain is such an organ that gives you information in every situation.

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