The woman suffered from pain for months, her stomach kept growing, then the doctors operated and removed a 30 kg tumor

The woman suffered from pain for months, her stomach kept growing, then the doctors operated and removed a 30 kg tumor

Large tumors often appear in the human body. Although the average weight is not more than half a kilo, but sometimes the weight of the tumor itself shocks people. When doctors remove tumors in this manner after an operation, they themselves become the headlines. Something similar happened in a hospital in Kazakhstan where doctors removed a 30-kg tumor from a woman’s stomach.

The feat was performed by a team of surgeons from the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Doctors say the tumour weighed 30 kilograms and the procedure lasted two hours before it was removed. According to local media reports, the patient was 65 years old and was admitted to the hospital after complaining of abdominal pain, and it was also growing in size.

The tumor was eventually detected before a team of oncogynecologists went to operate. According to Mirror, the patient said that she first started experiencing pain in December 2023. Erlan Kucubasov, head of the Oncogynecology Center at the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, said that since July 2024, the size of the stomach has been constantly increasing, she underwent the necessary tests.

It took the doctors only 2 hours to complete the operation. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

The patient was discussed at a meeting of the Oncogynecology Center on August 13, 2024, which recommended surgical treatment. The patient was admitted to the hospital and operated upon. According to local media reports, the operation was successful and the patient will be discharged from the hospital soon.

In a similar case, a man in China underwent surgery in 2014 for having the “world’s largest” tumor, which involved removing a 110-kilogram mass. Yang Jianbin, 37, had a 242-pound tumor removed after it had grown for 25 years.

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It started as a birthmark on the right side of his lower back, but when he was nine, it grew into a tumour. By the age of 12 it had grown to the size of a fist and was removed for the first time. It quickly began to grow again and when he was recently admitted to hospital in Beijing, the tumour weighed 110kg.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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