health tips myth facts diabetes obesity connection between with heart attack

health tips myth facts diabetes obesity connection between with heart attack

Heart Attack Myth : Due to constant change in lifestyle and improper eating habits, the disease of diabetes is increasing rapidly. One of the biggest reasons for this is the increase in obesity. Diabetes is a very serious disease. Many other problems can also occur when the blood sugar level increases.

The biggest problem among diabetes patients is heart related. In such a situation, the question arises whether the chances of heart attack are higher in diabetes, can obesity also cause heart attack. Let’s know the answers to these questions…

Myth: There is no risk of heart attack in diabetes

Fact : Experts say that if blood sugar is fluctuating for three months, it can be a danger signal. Diabetes, which means blood sugar not being under control, can affect the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, legs and eyes. Blood pressure can increase due to high or low blood sugar and the heart has to work harder, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Myth: Obese people are at greater risk of heart attack

Fact : Doctors say that it is true that obese people are at a higher risk of heart disease. Being overweight requires more effort to supply blood to the muscles. Many times, cholesterol gets deposited in the arteries due to obesity, which is very difficult to remove. Due to this, there is a higher risk of heart failure or stroke or heart attack. Due to obesity, there is also a risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, all these conditions are responsible for heart attack.

Myth: Overeating is not the cause of heart attack

FACt: Health experts say that eating too much processed foods, oily food can increase the level of norepinephrine hormone, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure, which can cause heart attack. In such a situation, one should avoid eating anything. Apart from this, overeating also increases obesity, which is a major cause of heart attack.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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