As soon as you put them in the pan, the puris get filled with oil, take care of these things, they will become completely oil-free

As soon as you put them in the pan, the puris get filled with oil, take care of these things, they will become completely oil-free

How to Make Poori Without Extra Oil: Many people reduce the consumption of oily things keeping their health in mind. In such a situation, even if they feel like eating puri, many times a lot of oil gets filled in it while frying the puri. Due to which most people avoid eating puri (Tips to make perfect puri without extra oil). In such a situation, by trying some methods, you can overcome this problem of filling oil in puri.

Many times while frying puris, oil gets filled in them. After which most people do not like to eat puris. In such a situation, by following some tips, you can get rid of this problem of oil filling in puris and can make soft and fluffy perfect puris.

add moin to the dough
While kneading the dough for Puri, add a little ghee or oil to the dry flour. This makes the Puris soft and they do not burst while frying, due to which they do not get filled with too much oil. Also, while kneading the dough for Puri, make sure that the dough is not too wet. This will ensure that the Puris do not burst after putting them in the pan and they will not get filled with too much oil.

Allow the dough to set
Do not make puris immediately after kneading the dough, as this can cause the puris to tear while rolling and frying. Due to this, oil starts filling in the puris while frying. In such a situation, it is important that after kneading the dough, keep it covered for some time and let it set. After this, making puris does not tear them and does not fill them with oil.

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Do not use ploughshare
While rolling the puris, do not use dry flour. This is because even this will cause the puris to tear and oil may get filled in them. If you have trouble rolling the puris without using flour, you can use oil instead of dry flour. Using oil while rolling the puris also makes the puris soft and does not tear and does not get filled with oil.

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