Whether it will be a boy or a girl, this is decided just before pregnancy

Whether it will be a boy or a girl, this is decided just before pregnancy

When the sperm fuses with the egg at the time of conception, the chromosomes of both determine the sex of the baby.  Your baby’s genitals may take a few weeks to develop. But their sex does not change during pregnancy.

Since ancient times, it has been known whether the baby is going to be a boy or a girl by the way the woman walks, sits and gets up and by the shape of her belly. But scientists consider these things to be completely wrong because no scientific evidence has been found for this. The only sure way to find out the sex of your baby is to visit a doctor. It can be determined as early as 10 weeks but usually occurs between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy.

It is natural to have a healthy pregnancy, but it is natural to be curious about the sex of your baby when you are pregnant. Many people want to know the sex of their baby the moment their pregnancy test comes back positive. After all, waiting nine months to meet your little one is a very long time.

This is how a boy or a girl can be known

In fact, when the baby is in the womb, it is often guessed whether there is a boy or a girl in the stomach. But for your information, let us tell you that medical science considers all these things to be completely orthodox. According to medical science, whether there is a boy or a girl in the womb depends entirely on the chromosomes of the man.

This is how the decision is made whether the baby growing in the womb is a boy or a girl

The gender of the baby in the womb of a pregnant woman is completely decided by the chromosomes of the man. Everyone has a pair of 23 chromosomes. The chromosomes of a woman are XX. Whereas the chromosomes of a man are XY. When the X of a woman meets the Y chromosome of a man, then XY chromosome is formed. This results in the birth of a boy. This clearly means that the gender of any newborn baby, whether it is a boy or a girl, depends on the man.

The gender is revealed in the ultrasound of 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, which is also known as anatomy scan. This is the point during fetal development when the genitals are typically visible and "Boy" Or "Girl" The term is kept very secret. It is called cell-free DNA prenatal screening which checks whether the child has any genetic disease as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy.  It tests for gender. Also known as X and Y, which play a role in the development and function of the body. People with XX chromosomes are considered girls at birth, and people with XY chromosomes are considered boys. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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