Bought Bitcoin at a very cheap price, earned 3416 crores, but his luck also turned out to be bad, such an ‘unfortunate’ thing happened!

Bought Bitcoin at a very cheap price, earned 3416 crores, but his luck also turned out to be bad, such an ‘unfortunate’ thing happened!

People work hard day and night to earn money. Some do jobs, some do business, and some invest money in the stock market. The trend of bitcoin has also increased a lot in the last few years, due to which its value has increased thousand times year after year. From Elon Musk to many famous people of the world invested in bitcoin and also made money. But some people are forced to live the same life as before even after earning from bitcoin. This is because these people forgot the password of their bitcoin wallet. Today we are going to tell you about one such person, many posts related to whom are going viral on social media these days. The name of this person is Stephen Thomas, who is a resident of San Francisco, America. This person bought bitcoin for a pittance, became the owner of billions, but his luck also turned out to be bad. Due to an unfortunate incident, he cannot even withdraw the money.

Now you must be thinking what kind of mishap is this? In such a situation, you have to know the whole story of Stephen Thomas. Actually, Stephen had bought a total of 7002 bitcoins in the year 2011 for about 3.5 lakhs. At that time, the price of one bitcoin was 10 dollars i.e. 460 rupees. According to the data available on the Internet, then 1 dollar was equal to about 46 Indian rupees. At that time 1 bitcoin was worth 460 rupees, which is now close to 48 lakh 87 thousand. Stephen Thomas had stored all the bitcoin passwords in an encryption device called IronKey to keep them safe, but years later something mishap happened to him. That mishap was nothing but forgetting the password. In such a situation, despite being the owner of billions of rupees, he cannot use that money. It is said that Stephen tried passwords one after the other, but all of them were wrong. In such a situation, now he has only 1 or 2 chances left. If he misses the chances too, then he will not be able to get his money.

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