mental health alzheimers disease causes symptoms stages problems and prevention in hindi

mental health alzheimers disease causes symptoms stages problems and prevention in hindi

Alzheimer’s : Alzheimer’s is such a dangerous disease in which brain cells start dying and the size of the brain starts decreasing. This disease is increasing rapidly all over the world. The biggest concern is that there is no cure for it. With increasing age, the risk of this disease increases even more.

It troubles more in old age. When one has Alzheimer’s, even small things start going out of the mind. Even things like glasses, keys are forgotten. Sometimes it becomes difficult to remember daily chores, bathing or even the route. In such a situation, one should consult a doctor without delay.

How dangerous is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia, in which the ability to think and understand is affected, memory weakens and behavior changes.

60-70 percent of dementia cases are due to Alzheimer’s.

After the age of 65, the risk of Alzheimer’s doubles every 5 years.

7 stages of Alzheimer’s

1. Symptoms are not visible in the first stage.

2. Starting to forget small things.

3. Weakening of concentration and memory. Impact on physical and mental health.

4. Having trouble doing everyday tasks.

5. Increasing symptoms of the disease and starting to become dependent on others.

6. Needs help from others even in eating food, wearing clothes

7. Having difficulty in speaking, not being able to even express expressions.

What do Alzheimer’s symptoms look like?

Weak memory and difficulty in remembering anything. Not being able to identify things correctly

Difficulty speaking and writing

confusion about time, place, or direction

Difficulty solving the question

Difficulty thinking or making decisions

Forgetting to eat, dress, or even go to the toilet

Difficulty doing daily activities, trouble keeping oneself clean

Changes in personality and behavior

What to do to avoid Alzheimer’s

Eat green vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.

Eat fresh seasonal fruits rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Include antioxidants in your diet.

Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

Do meditation, solve puzzles, solve riddles, keep your mind active.

Don’t stay alone, mingle with people.

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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