6 children died due to lightning in Chhattisgarh know how it happens and how dangerous it is

6 children died due to lightning in Chhattisgarh know how it happens and how dangerous it is

A major incident has happened in Chhattisgarh due to lightning. A major accident took place in Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh on Monday. 8 people have died here due to lightning. This includes 6 children. Now the question is how is lightning formed in the sky and how dangerous does lightning prove to be for humans after falling on the earth.

what is the matter

First of all, let us understand what the matter is. A major accident took place on Monday in Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh. 8 people have died here due to lightning. Children are also included in this. Some school children have also been hit by it. One person is injured. At present, the injured has been admitted to the hospital for treatment.

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Why does lightning flash?

Scientist Benjamin Franklin explained the real reason for lightning for the first time in 1872. He said that there are small particles of water in the clouds in the sky, which get charged due to the friction of air. Some clouds get positive charge and some negative. When clouds with both types of charges rub against each other, their meeting produces electricity of millions of volts. Sometimes this electricity is so strong that it reaches the earth. This is called lightning.

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Electricity on humans

The greatest risk of lightning strike is on those working in the fields, standing under trees, bathing in a pond and listening to mobile phones. According to scientists, ultraviolet rays emanate from mobile phones, which attract lightning towards them.

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how powerful is lightning

The power of lightning is so much that you cannot even imagine. Yes, according to the data of Chhattisgarh government, lightning has a current of 10 crore volts and 10,000 amperes. On the other hand, according to the US government website weather.gov, lightning has a power of about 30 crore volts and 30 thousand amperes. Now you can easily guess the power of lightning falling from the sky and the destruction caused by it. Every year more than 24 thousand people die due to lightning across the world.

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