RSS Leader Sunul Ambekar Said If Rss Had Do Politics Its Founders Would Have Established Political Party

RSS Leader Sunul Ambekar Said If Rss Had Do Politics Its Founders Would Have Established Political Party

RSS Leader Sunil Ambekar Statement: RSS leader Sunil Ambekar said in a conference organized by RSS-affiliated weekly Panchjanya that if RSS wanted to do politics, its founder would have established a political party. He said that the Sangh is known for its patriotism and dedication towards the country. RSS leader Sunil Ambekar said, ‘Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is known for its patriotism, which is devoted to the country. He said that I think the Sangh does not need to answer about it. The general public of the country knows him very well.

Sunil Ambekar said, ‘When the Sangh was established, its aim was to serve this country and to save the country from all the traumas that have come upon the country. He said that the aim of the RSS was the independence of the country. He said that if the Sangh wanted to do politics, Dr. Hedgewar, who was the founder of the Sangh, would have formed a political party.

Ambekar took a jibe at the Congress

Sunil Ambekar said that the need for a political party was being fulfilled by the Congress party under the British rule. There was a need to build a man, due to which the RSS was formed. He said that it was necessary that along with this the work of man-making should start and that is why the Sangh was started. Sunil took a dig at the Congress for the Emergency and said that the party changed the constitution. He said that people should know who was the restorer of the constitution.

what needs to be understood in detail

RSS leader Sunil Ambekar said, ‘It has been 75 years of independence, it should also be seen who changed the constitution and who restored the constitution when emergency was imposed on the country.’ Appreciating the work of the Sangh, Sunil said that people are associated with the organization to take the country forward. He said, ‘It should be seen that in all the attacks that took place in the country, where was the Sangh at that time and where were others?’

He said that it is a matter of understanding in great detail. Sunil said that the people of the whole country have appreciated the works of the Sangh. He said that in every corner of the country, in every district, the whole society is associated with the Sangh and under the leadership of the society, the volunteers are continuously engaged in the task of taking the country forward.

‘There were innumerable contributors to freedom’

RSS leader Sunil Ambekar criticized the one-sided narrative of the participation of only a few people in the country’s independence and said that there were innumerable people who contributed to the independence. He said, ‘It was publicized in our country that freedom was achieved because of only a few people, but there are countless people whom we can call anonymous. Not only the volunteers, but even the big leaders have faced harassment.

‘college life started with the movement’

Responding to the charge of not hoisting the tricolor at the RSS headquarters, Ambekar said that the organization follows the country’s constitution and its symbols. He said, ‘After independence, this country has adopted the constitution. We have done the same. We have adopted the constitution and the symbols of the constitution. The tricolor has also been hoisted at the union office. Ambekar said, ‘When the tricolor flag was burnt in Srinagar in 1990, then wherever the tricolor is insulted, we will stand for the honor of the tricolor. He said that he had done agitation with this slogan in his college life and the people of the entire union were with us.

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