telegram ceo pavel durov agress to share user data to law enforcement

telegram ceo pavel durov agress to share user data to law enforcement

Telegram: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov recently announced that personal information of users involved in illegal activities, such as phone numbers and IP addresses, will be shared with the Telegram website. [IP address]will be shared with law enforcement agencies. This move is part of a significant update made to Telegram’s terms of service, aimed at preventing illegal activities on the platform.

Telegram’s new terms of service

Telegram has updated its terms of service to identify and stop users involved in illegal activities. Under this update, Telegram will now share information of users who are found involved in illegal activities. This includes users’ phone numbers and IP addresses. [IP address] This step has been taken to increase the security and transparency of Telegram.

Use of AI to prevent discovery of illegal content

Telegram uses AI in its search feature to prevent discovery of illegal content [AI] That is, it has started using Artificial Intelligence. This technology helps to identify illegal content and remove it from the platform. Using AI, Telegram can remove illegal content quickly and effectively, keeping the platform safe and clean.

Telegram will help law enforcement agencies

This move of Telegram is to strengthen cooperation with law enforcement agencies. By sharing information of users involved in illegal activities, Telegram can help law enforcement agencies catch criminals and bring them to justice. This move reflects Telegram’s commitment that it will make every effort to keep its platform safe and reliable.

Users’ reaction

After this announcement, the reaction of the users has been mixed. Some users have welcomed this move and called it necessary for the security of the platform. At the same time, some users have expressed concern about their privacy. Telegram has clarified that this step is only for users involved in illegal activities and there is no threat to the privacy of ordinary users.

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