You must have eaten it cooked a lot, but try this fruit raw, your heart will become like that of a child even in old age, note down the recipe of its soup

You must have eaten it cooked a lot, but try this fruit raw, your heart will become like that of a child even in old age, note down the recipe of its soup

Raw Papaya Soup Recipes in Hindi: Banana, apple or guava… whatever the fruit is, it is not only good for health but also has a great flavour. We all know how many qualities fruits have, but there are many fruits which give more benefits when eaten raw than when they are ripe. One such fruit is papaya, whose health benefits are already known to you. But when it comes to raw papaya, it is no less than a mine of qualities. From the quantity of vitamin C to the abundance of fiber, raw papaya has many benefits. But many times people wonder how to eat raw papaya? So we are telling you the recipe of making soup of this fruit, which you can eat in dinner or lunch and not only reduce your calorie intake, but it is also amazing in taste.

benefits of raw papaya soup

Raw papaya is rich in digestive enzymes, such as papain, which improves digestion. Therefore, it is a good option for your gut health. Also, it is low in calories and high in fiber, which helps in reducing weight. Talking about nutrients, it contains important nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. This raw papaya rich in vitamin C also strengthens your immune system. With plenty of antioxidants, it will also benefit your skin.

Raw papaya is rich in the digestive enzyme papain, which improves digestion.

Raw Papaya Soup Recipe

1 cup raw papaya (peeled and chopped)
half a green chilli
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 inch ginger (crushed)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
a little lemongrass
Rock salt as per taste
1 cup coconut milk
For garnish – fresh coriander and boiled corn kernels

– Peel the raw papaya from top and chop it into thick pieces. Let the cut papaya steam for a while. If you do not have a steamer, then fill a vessel with water and put the papaya on a mesh or sieve and steam it.
– Roast the dry masala in another pan. Add half chopped green chillies, whole coriander, ginger pieces and some lemongrass and dry roast all of them.
– After frying for 1 minute, add a quarter cup of water to it.
– Now add steamed papaya, spice mixture, lemon juice, 2 cups water and 1 teaspoon rock salt in a mixer jar.
– Grind this mixture well. Now take it out in a big vessel and add one cup coconut milk to it.
– Coconut milk will give it a creamy texture.
Now serve this soup. Garnish it with some black pepper, some boiled corn kernels and coriander leaves.

Tags: eat healthy, Food, Food Recipe, health benefits

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