how is oil extracted from the middle of the sea know the whole process facts

how is oil extracted from the middle of the sea know the whole process facts

Oil is stored in many countries, big in these countries,There are also big oil wells, In such countries which do not have oil wells or storage, They have to buy oil from other countries, Or those countries also supply oil by extracting it from the middle of the ocean., In such a situation, the question arises that how would oil be extracted from the middle of the sea?, And with water all around, would it be safe?, let’s find out today,

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How pulled out go Is Sea From Oil,

Let us tell you that the process of extracting oil from the sea takes place in several stages., First of all geologists and geophysicists have to find oil reserves under the sea., For this he is different,use different techniques, such as seismic surveys, gravity survey and magnetic survey,

Then once the oil reserves are discovered, A hole is drilled into the ocean floor using a giant drilling rig, This hole is deep enough to reach the oil reservoir., When drilling is complete, So the oil is brought from the reservoir to the surface, Pumps are used for this, During this time with oil,Gas is also extracted along with, The extracted oil is then transported to an oil refinery through pipelines or tankers.,

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Sea From Oil extract Of advantages And Loss

If we look at the benefits of extracting oil from the sea, this oil becomes a major source of energy across the world., Also the oil industry contributes significantly to the economy of many countries., It also provides employment to lakhs of people.,

If we look at its disadvantages, then during the process of oil extraction, oil leakage causes a lot of damage to marine life and coastal areas., Also, burning of oil releases carbon dioxide gas., which is a major cause of climate change, There is a struggle between many countries for control of oil reserves.,

Also read: He killed more than 900 people with a yellow handkerchief, he was India’s biggest serial killer.

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