‘Will you abuse first or wear slippers?’, the service of this cafe is strange, yet the demand is strong!

‘Will you abuse first or wear slippers?’, the service of this cafe is strange, yet the demand is strong!

If you plan an outing, then try to find a place which is decent and where the staff also does not lack in their service. Wherever one has to go, first of all it is checked what facilities are available there. Imagine, if the staff starts abusing you as soon as you reach for dining, what will be your reaction?

You might also be wondering what kind of question this was, why would anyone do this? Actually, we are telling you all this because there is a cafe where the customers are abused even after taking money. This cafe in Japan is known for the fact that instead of being welcomed, the customers are abused as soon as they leave. Not only this, if they take VIP service, they are also slapped with slippers.

Guests are welcomed with abuses
According to the report of South China Morning Post, a special cafe has opened in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, which does not shy away from abusing people and even killing them if necessary. Japanese influencer Nobuyuki Sakuma called some beautiful waitresses of this cafe, who gave live abuse and told how they provoke people. The one who tolerates everything even after hearing it, is the winner. At Bato Cafe Omokenashi Café, the pink-clad waitresses look like normal staff, until they open their mouths.

People shared experiences
Some people have shared experiences related to this. One person said that the waitress addressed him as a ‘pig’ and did not even give him chopsticks with his meal. Bookings are done in advance for such abuse sessions, which last for an hour. They also have VIP service, in which the waitresses even hit the customers on the back of the face with slippers. People even take photographs while being beaten and take them with them. If someone does not want to be abused, he can go wearing the ‘No Abuse’ card.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Bizarre news, Viral news

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