Iran Executes Two Men In Public Over Deadly Armed Robbery

Iran Executes Two Men In Public Over Deadly Armed Robbery

Iran Executes: There are strict laws for crime in Iran and there is also severe punishment for it. In a recent development, two people were hanged publicly for the murder of a police officer. Authorities on Monday (September 30) publicly hanged two men accused of killing a police officer during a robbery in central Iran.

News agency AFP, citing the court’s decision, said that both of them had killed a police officer during armed robbery in central Iran. News website Mizan Online quoted a local prosecutor in court as saying that the incident took place in the central Markazi province, with “two armed robbers being sentenced to death in the city of Khomein this morning.”

Public hanging for the first time in Iran?

According to the report, this punishment was given publicly on Monday morning. In Iran, hanging is given as death penalty, but this is the first time that the culprits have been hanged publicly because no such incident is remembered before.

Why were the culprits given death sentence like this?

According to a report by Meezaan Online, the two convicts had tried to escape after a clash with law enforcement agencies about four years ago and had shot dead a police officer at that time.

Death penalty common in Iran?

According to human rights groups including Amnesty International, Iran carries out the highest number of death sentences annually after China. The Islamic Republic carries the death penalty for murder and drug trafficking, as well as cases of rape and sexual assault, as well as other major crimes.

Also read: Death penalty: In this state of India, 50 people were sentenced to death in eight months.

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