When there was no clock, how did humans see time? Was the moon, sun or something else the source?

When there was no clock, how did humans see time? Was the moon, sun or something else the source?

The invention of watches started around the 15th century. But, humans had been understanding time several hundred years before that. That is, he knew several hundred years ago what time of the day it was.

Let us tell you in detail today that when did man come to know that he could know the time through the sun and the moon. Can apply. Along with this, we will also tell you whether humans had only the moon, sun and stars to measure time or there was some other device for this.

Clock from the shadow of the sun

This technology was from India. In India, time was calculated by looking at the sun’s shadow. For thousands of years, Indian scholars used the sun’s shadow as their clock and used this medium to determine the time. Whereas, to estimate the time at night, they depended on the moon and stars.

Water clock

India where the sun, moon and Used to calculate time through stars. At the same time, about two thousand years ago, the people of ancient Greece used water-powered clocks. These clocks were a kind of alarm clocks. According to BBC report, in these clocks the bell would ring after a fixed time with the falling water level. This used to know what time it was.

Trees, plants and birds were also clocks.

Apart from the sun, moon and stars, plants and The activities of animals also played an important role in the calculation of time. Thousands of years ago, there were many people who used to predict the weather and time by observing the time of blooming of flowers and fall of leaves on plants. Apart from this, some people also used to find out the time from the activities of birds and their chirping. Even today, there are many people who use these tricks to find out the time and weather.

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