Other tips for managing blood sugar include read full article in hindi

Other tips for managing blood sugar include read full article in hindi

Insulin is a hormone that helps control blood sugar levels by moving glucose from the blood into the cells. Where it can be used for energy. The pancreas makes insulin, and it is mainly used to treat diabetes. Here are some things you need to know about insulin.

insulin needs

Types of Insulin There are different types of insulin, including rapid-acting insulin, which is used to meet insulin needs by injection as well as for food eaten. Administration Insulin can be taken by injection or by breathing using an inhaler device. Inhaling insulin is less common than using a needle and syringe.

When to take insulin Insulin shots are most effective when they are taken so that the insulin starts working when glucose from food begins to enter the blood. Yes, insulin levels drop rapidly after eating food and there are many things you can do to keep it stable.

have a good diet

Eat foods with low glycemic index (GI). Which are such foods which produce insulin slowly, steadily and only as per requirement. Some examples of low GI food items are: Such as apples, beans, peanuts, whole grains and fruits. Exercise daily: Exercising daily keeps the muscles active. Due to this, the sugar level found in the blood also remains under control. Besides, insulin also works properly.

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Eat small amounts and eat properly: Avoid skipping meals and try to manage your food portions.

take a balanced diet

A balanced diet can improve insulin sensitivity.

take diet daily

The Mediterranean diet and DASH diet are two examples of diet plans that can help improve insulin resistance.

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take medications as prescribed

Take medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Lower blood sugar levels: Follow your doctor’s advice about checking your blood sugar regularly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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