skin care tips does chocolate cause pimples and acne know fact

skin care tips does chocolate cause pimples and acne know fact

Chocolate For Skin Who doesn’t feel tempted by seeing chocolate? It is everyone’s favorite, whether children or adults, but in some research it is being claimed that eating chocolate causes pimples and acne on the face. It is generally heard that eating too much oil causes the problem of acne and pimples, but hardly anyone would have thought that chocolate can cause it. Let us know from the skin specialist of London what is its reality…

Does chocolate cause acne?

In the 1960s, several studies were conducted to determine the link between chocolate and acne. In the largest study conducted so far, only 65 people were included. In which it was found that there is no connection between acne and chocolate. However, this study was also criticized a lot.

Chocolate cannot be said to be responsible for acne on the face, but whatever we eat and drink definitely affects it. Foods rich in fat, oil, sugar and dairy products can increase such problems.

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What London skin specialists say

Dr. Dove Harper, skin specialist at King’s College London, says that the reason for acne on the face in adolescence or its failure to heal is often genetic. ‘Actually, the size of the oil producing glands in our skin depends on our genetics.’ According to Dr. Do Harper, complaints of acne on the face have increased recently, especially among women, however, no specific reason has been revealed. He said, ‘The kind of lifestyle we are following is not good for our body, perhaps this is also the reason for acne.’

Which type of chocolate causes risk of pimples?

According to a CNN report, Dr. Gregory R. Delost, a dermatologist at Cleveland Medical Center University Hospital, says that in his study he found that eating chocolate can cause more than 5 pimples. Even though 5 papules may seem less, their number may increase after they burst. Dr. Gregory says that people who have a clear face, if they start eating too much chocolate, they can also get pimples. Dr. Gregory says that chocolate can make acne worse.

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Can dark chocolate harm your face?

A study by Dr. Prawit Aswanoda of the University of Bangkok in Thailand has claimed that chocolate cannot be the only cause of pimples. Many factors are responsible for this. There are many reasons for this like diet, genes, environment. However, Dr. Aswanoda says that in his study, eating dark chocolate may increase acne in terms of the number of lesions.

How to avoid pimples and acne

Dr. Dove Harper of King’s College London says that high-calorie, low-nutrient foods can cause inflammation in the body, but acne will only occur in people who have a problem in their genes. He said that just as foods like fruits and vegetables are good for other parts of the body, in the same way it is also beneficial for the skin. All the parts of our body work with the help of each other, things that are good for your heart, stomach and brain are also good for your skin.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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