Health news | Liposuction: Is it right to undergo liposuction for weight loss, know the risks and side effects

Health news | Liposuction: Is it right to undergo liposuction for weight loss, know the risks and side effects

Liposuction: For the sake of weight loss, people adopt different types of methods and patterns. Some people follow different diets and some choose the path of surgery. Now liposuction is also becoming popular in this direction. This is a kind of cosmetic procedure which removes excess fat from the body. By getting this procedure done, you can reshape yourself. Also, fat can be removed from any specific area of ​​the body. This procedure is considered safest when done by a qualified and board certified experienced plastic surgeon.

Risks and Side Effects of Liposuction

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic procedure. Some experts say that this is not just a procedure. Rather, it is a healthy process adopted to bring self-improvement and confidence. This process cannot be directly called a weight loss procedure. Actually, this is a process under which stubborn fat deposited in any part of the body is removed through surgery. Liposuction removes the fat which is not removed by diet and exercise.

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What are the common risks?

The most common problems that can occur after liposuction are infection, bleeding and some bad reactions to anesthesia. Experts believe that it is necessary to adopt strict sterile technique for the safety of patients.

While the patient is recovering after the procedure, swelling, bruising and numbness may also occur. It is important that before undergoing surgery, the doctor should mentally prepare the patient for all these problems. Also, the patient should also know all the risks very well.

Individual assessment is also necessary

Not every person’s body is everywhere. Therefore, the problems faced by everyone after surgery are different. Therefore, doctors also do individual assessment of any patient before doing liposuction. However, there is no compulsion for the age to get liposuction done.

But how much fat is being removed from which place? How big is that area? It is important to keep in mind the medical history of the patient. The skin elasticity, overall health and mental state of any patient make the procedure easier or more difficult.

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They need special care

Patients who need special care before and after liposuction. This includes patients already suffering from certain diseases. For example, if a diabetic patient wants to get this surgery done, he can get it done only if his sugar is controlled. Apart from this, hypertensive patients need more care before and after surgery.

Who should not get liposuction done?

Some patients should not undergo liposuction even if they want to. This includes those people who have some kind of neurological disorder or have a weak immune system. Those who cannot follow a systematic lifestyle after surgery. Apart from this, people whose skin elasticity is poor or their weight is mismanaged are also advised not to get liposuction done.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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