health tips japanese daisuke hori sleeps only 30-minutes daily know how and its side effects

health tips japanese daisuke hori sleeps only 30-minutes daily know how and its side effects

30 minutes sleep : It is said that to stay fit and healthy, everyone should take at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily. But there is one person in the world who has been sleeping only for 30 minutes every day for the last 12 years. He has discovered a unique way to double life.

The name of this person is Daisuke Hori. He is a resident of Japan. Its age is 40 years. Daisuke says that he has trained his body and mind in such a way that he does not need much sleep. This has also increased their capacity. Hori is a businessman and spends 16 hours a week in the gym.

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How did you get into the habit of sleeping less?

According to South China Morning Post, Hori started changing his habits 12 years ago. Japan Short Sleepers Training Association was started in the year 2016. Here people are also given classes related to health and sleep. Till now, 2100 students have been trained to sleep less. He says that he decided to sleep only for 30 minutes in 24 hours because he had to increase his capacity and way of working. Due to less sleep he now gets 23 hours. He spends two hours in the gym every day.

can anyone sleep less

Hori says that as long as someone does sports and exercise, there will be no problem, but after that it is not possible. Drinking coffee an hour before eating helps in this. It removes both sleep and fatigue.

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Quality sleep is important, not too much.

Japan’s Yomiuri TV has also launched a show on Hori’s daily routine. In this he slept only for 26 minutes for 3 days. He says that good quality sleep is more important than sleeping for many hours. If you are sleeping well for some time then there will be no need for much sleep.

what do doctors say

Doctors say that this is not practical for everyone. Daily 6-8 hours of sleep is very important for a common person. This removes fatigue from the mind and body and prepares the body for the next day. This also reduces the risk of heart attack significantly. Lack of sleep weakens memory and increases the risk of heart diseases.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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