The earth also ‘breathes’! This video is amazing, people were surprised to see it, some people’s heart trembled with fear

The earth also ‘breathes’! This video is amazing, people were surprised to see it, some people’s heart trembled with fear

The earth on which we live is very important for us. This is the reason why we give the Indian soil the status of our mother. It is considered like a living element. It is a different matter that the earth cannot breathe, which is the proof of being alive. Well, the video we are going to show you today is a little different. This will not only surprise you but will also scare you to some extent.

When we started knowing about the Earth, even science told us about its rotation and roundness. But does the earth even breathe? This question is a bit strange, but after watching a video this question will also arise in your mind. When the video of this incident went viral on social media, people’s eyes were left wide-eyed with surprise. Can the earth really breathe?

Amazing incident seen in Quebec Forest
A user named @DannyDutch shared a video on social media. This video has been filmed in Quebec Forest. Along with this he wrote the caption – ‘It seems that the earth is breathing.’ In the video you can see that the trees are standing firmly in the forest. Meanwhile, if you pay attention, the ground beneath them starts rising and falling, as if the earth is breathing heavily. This video, which looks like some magic, is shocking people.

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