If you want to reduce bad cholesterol then drink a special drink made from ginger on an empty stomach, know the method of making it.

If you want to reduce bad cholesterol then drink a special drink made from ginger on an empty stomach, know the method of making it.

Due to bad lifestyle nowadays people are falling victim to many diseases. Which also includes fatal diseases like heart attack and stroke. The major risk of heart attack and stroke arises from increase in cholesterol in the body. To avoid this, many such things can be included in the diet. Due to which cholesterol starts getting controlled. Ginger is also an effective Ayurvedic remedy to reduce cholesterol. Yes, bad cholesterol can be reduced by consuming ginger in two ways. It also reduces triglycerides. Know how to use ginger to reduce cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy sticky substance in the body, which is found in two forms. One is good cholesterol and the other is bad cholesterol. When the amount of bad cholesterol starts increasing in the body, it gets deposited in the veins. Due to this the arteries get blocked and the blood supply is affected. When veins become blocked, the risk of fatal diseases like heart attack and stroke increases. Therefore, if you want to keep the body healthy, it is important to keep cholesterol under control.

Ginger to reduce bad cholesterol

Ginger contains an element called gingerol which reduces bad cholesterol. Ginger contains hypolipidemic agent which reduces cholesterol and improves lipid profile. Eating ginger increases the level of good cholesterol in the body. People who consume ginger have lower levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. However, how you use ginger is also important.

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1. Ginger water to reduce cholesterol: Ginger water proves beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol. For this, before sleeping at night, soak a 1 inch piece of ginger in water and drink that water in the morning on an empty stomach. By drinking ginger water like this daily, bad cholesterol can be reduced. This also reduces obesity.

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2. Ginger and lemon tea for cholesterol: You can also drink ginger and lemon tea to reduce bad cholesterol. For this, boil 1 cup water in a pan. Now add some grated ginger to it. Boil the water for 10 minutes and then filter it. Now add juice of half lemon in it and if you want, add 1 spoon honey also. Drink this tea. If you want to add honey then add it only after the tea cools down a bit.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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