World Food Day: In some places, wasp pakodas are eaten and in some places, fish eyes are eaten, know when cooking started?

World Food Day: In some places, wasp pakodas are eaten and in some places, fish eyes are eaten, know when cooking started?

When you are hungry, you remember eating, when you have to pacify someone who is angry, the thought of eating comes to your mind, even when guests are about to come to the house, a menu of good dishes is prepared immediately. That is, food is not only a treasure of health but it also has great importance emotionally and socially. Today 16 October and on this day World Food Day Is celebrated as. The taste of every person in the world is different and according to this, strange dishes are also made. Human spit or animal feces is added to some beverages while some dishes are served with live animals.

Food’s old relationship with humans
Food has always been a human need. The first humans ate flowers, leaves and seeds. If we talk about non-veg, I started eating fish first. Hunger has always kept humans connected to food because it provides energy to their body. Nature Ecology and Evolution Journal According to the report published in India, man had discovered fire 17 lakh years ago but the process of cooking food is 6 lakh years old. Cooking food in fire caused changes in the human body, evidence of which was revealed by research on tooth enamel.

Farming started 11,500 years ago
The first journal on the history of food was written in 1979. ‘Petits Propos Culinaires’ According to this, earlier people used to fill their stomach by hunting but farming started 11,500 years ago after which people started eating grains like rice, wheat, maize. Food was distributed according to the climate, environment and temperature of the area. Where there was fertile land for farming, vegetables and grains became food. Wherever animal rearing took place, he was involved in eating dairy products and meat. Similarly, people who lived on the sea shore started eating sea food.

Due to globalization, local dishes are now becoming famous all over the world (Image-Canva)

Food strengthens relationships
There is a concept of Atithi Devo Bhava in India. The guests are considered gods here. Therefore, be it a wedding or a party, food is the soul of every occasion. Food strengthens relationships. Good food is always associated with memories. Food not only makes guests happy but also brings the family closer. The family which sits together and has breakfast or dinner is happier than other families and there is mutual understanding between them and they solve even the biggest problems easily. University of Bristol, Britain According to research, people who eat food with their family and friends get complete nutrition from the food and remain healthy.

connection of food with mood
There is also a famous saying on food, as is the mind, so is the food. That is, our mind and brain starts working in the same way as the food we eat. Food is a mood booster which removes stress and makes the heart happy. Actually, when we eat good food of our choice, a happy hormone called dopamine is released in our body, which instantly improves the mood. This also removes mood swings and stress. Dopamine increases with protein-rich foods, nuts, seeds, curd, lassi, cake, yogurt and dark chocolate.

Weirdest sandwiches and pakodas in the world
There are many types of food items in the world which are very strange but people eat them very fondly. food blogger Rohit Mavle It is said that in America people eat fried brain sandwich which is made from calf’s brain. Actually, after deep frying it is kept between bread. Apart from this, in Japan, snacks called Jibachi Senbe are made in which wasps are added. It looks like a dumpling. In Japan itself, the eyeball of a fish called Tuna is boiled and eaten with salt. It is called tuna eyeball. In India’s Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, people like red ants chutney.

Most people in the world eat dishes made from rice (Image-Canva)

Live animals are served
In many places in the world, live animals are also served on plates. In Taiwan, Ying Yang fish is served alive to customers. Apart from this, a dish called Drunken Shrimp is eaten in China in which live shrimp are eaten. Live frogs are served in dishes called sashimi in Japan and san jahi ear in China.

Ice cream made from animal fat
Some people in Alaska happily eat reindeer, seal and deer fat, mistaking it for ice cream. Local people call it Akutak. Dried salmon fish eggs and berries are also added to it.

spit beer
In Latin America, a beer called Chicha is made which is made from corn. This is no ordinary beer. It is decomposed by putting it in human spit. The bacteria present in saliva melt the corn. Sugar is also added to it. When the sugar dries, the corn beer is ready. This beer is banned in some countries. The reason behind this is the way of preparing it.

Beer from elephant feces and coffee beans
Many people would know about the world’s most expensive Kopi Luwak coffee sold in Indonesia. In this, coffee beans are fed to the cat and then these beans are taken out from their feces. But in Japan beer is made through this process. First the coffee beans are fed to the elephant. After this, these coffee beans along with their feces are rotted and beer is then made from it.

Tags: eat healthy, food, Food Recipe, Food Stories, global health, Mental diseases

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