Gurmeet Choudhary has not tasted sugar for 6 or 7 months know how good it is for health

Gurmeet Choudhary has not tasted sugar for 6 or 7 months know how good it is for health

Gurmeet Chaudhary is a well-known name in TV and films. He remains popular on social media because of his fitness and martial arts skills. When Gurmeet was asked the secret of his fit body, his answer was quite surprising. 40 year old Gurmeet says that he wakes up every morning and does exercise. He also tells that 80 percent of a person’s health depends on his diet. Therefore, along with doing his daily exercises, he follows a nutrition-rich diet. He says that if your diet is good then you can keep your weight under control up to 99 percent. This clearly means that you are fit.

Gurmeet Chaudhary told why he gave up sugar

Gurmeet further says that in the last six or seven months, I have not eaten any sugar even natural sugar i.e. in the form of fruits. No rice, chapati, or gluten, nothing. Talking in detail about his diet, Choudhary said, I take 1 spoon of desi ghee on an empty stomach for a strong intestine. Healthy fat is required for the intestines. I take it with coffee. He said that after this I drink green juice.

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eat this for breakfast

After which he exercises. My breakfast is 8-10 eggs and avocado. After two and a half hours, I eat boiled chicken, mushrooms and broccoli without spices. Then at night I eat soaked almonds or make almond milk. Dinner is either grilled or boiled chicken with broccoli and mushrooms. I take protein shake at night. He stressed that he has been following this routine for the last six months. I am not used to eating very tasty food. World level athletes also have a similar diet. I don’t sit at all. I am shooting outdoors in which I have to fight, slide etc. During the last months, I did 12 hours of shooting, gym and running or kickboxing. All this happened because I have given up sugar.

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How a sugar-free diet gives you more energy and better fitness,

It can be difficult to follow a sugar-free diet. But it’s worth it. According to Clinical Dietitian Garima Goyal, consumption of sugar and sweetened beverages has a bad effect on health and has many negative effects. Goyal said, “Excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, poor dental health etc. Additionally, excessive sugar consumption is linked to fatigue and lethargy, as the energy levels in the body decrease. And alertness decreases.

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