Shani Dev After Diwali 2024 will become extremely powerful you will not be forgiven for your mistakes

Shani Dev After Diwali 2024 will become extremely powerful you will not be forgiven for your mistakes

Shani Margi 2024: Shani Dev, the god of justice, is currently moving in reverse i.e. Shani is currently in retrograde state. Soon Shani Dev is going to be direct in his own sign Aquarius. Saturn is going to turn direct from 15th November, 15 days after Diwali. According to astrology, Saturn is going to become more powerful by becoming direct. Due to the direct movement of Saturn, the fortunes of people of some zodiac signs will change and the fortunes of others will deteriorate. Due to Saturn being direct, your life can be ruined. When Shani becomes angry, he assumes his fierce form and then no one can escape from his sight. Let us know which zodiac signs need to be careful of Shani Maharaj.

Saturn will increase the problems of which zodiac signs by becoming direct?

1. Saturn’s path can prove fatal for Pisces people.
2. Saturn’s transit will have a bad effect on Pisces people.
3. Your mind will be troubled due to Saturn’s path.
4. You will find yourself thinking and thinking deeply all the time
5. You will not get success in anything easily
6. You should focus on your family life

1. For Capricorn people, Saturn’s direct movement will increase difficulties in your life.
2. You may have to face financial crisis
3. There may be a dispute between husband and wife due to your in-laws.
4. To save your relationship, you should try and understand each other.

1. Saturn’s path is going to prove harmful for the people of Cancer zodiac sign.
2. Your mental health may deteriorate
3. You may face a lot of problems in personal life
4. Avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone at home
5. Otherwise there may be a rift in your relationships
6. Need to try to keep peace at home

Mangal Gochar 2024: Mars, the cause of war, is coming in Cancer, will give tension to these zodiac signs.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on assumptions and information. It is important to mention here that does not endorse or confirm any information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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