When the sun stays in one place, why is it said that the sun rises first in Japan?

When the sun stays in one place, why is it said that the sun rises first in Japan?

Sunrise Fact: Everyone likes to see the beautiful sight of the rising sun. It is also said that if you want to start a good day, wake up early in the morning and watch the sunrise."gmail_default">​A must watch. This makes the whole day full of freshness and health. As soon as the sun starts rising in the morning, the silence of the night starts disappearing and an atmosphere of hustle and bustle starts forming in the atmosphere. The sun rises from the east and sets in the west. But, in reality the sun remains stable at its own place and the earth revolves around it. Along with the rotation of the sun, the earth also rotates on its axis like a top. Because of this there are day and night. 

We all have seen the sun rise and set, but do you know where the rising sun appears first? Which is the place on earth where the sun first appears? Actually, the answer to these questions is very interesting, knowing which will be really exciting and informative for you. Let’s know the answers to these questions…

Is the sunrise first in Japan?
Earlier Japan was considered to be the first land of sunrise, but since then all the countries have recognized GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time. , since then this honor has gone to New Zealand. New Zealand’s time is GMT+13, on the other hand, Japan’s time is GMT+9. When it is 6 in the morning in New Zealand, it is 2 in the night in Japan. Apart from this, whenever it comes to New Year, New Year is celebrated first in New Zealand itself. According to this new time zone, the sun rises first in the world in New Zealand.

Why is Japan called the land of the rising sun?
Now the question arises that when the sun does not rise first in Japan, then why is it called the country of the sunrise? There the sun does not rise first. This is because the country is called Nihon (Nippon) in Japanese. The word Nihon and Japan are derived from the same word, which literally means "where the sun rises" It happens. Italian trader and explorer Marco Polo introduced Japan to the Western world in the 13th century. In fact, he never traveled to Japan, but he went to the southern part of China. Where people told him about Japan. According to the people of South China, Japan was in the direction where Marco Polo traveled and where the sun rises. That’s why people called it Ji-pang or Zu-pang, meaning the place where the sun originates. 

On the other hand, if we talk about India, then the first sunrise in India happens in Arunachal Pradesh. The name of Arunachal Pradesh is also considered a symbol of sunrise. Its name Arun means Sun and Chal means rising. Here the sun’s rays first fall on a place called Dong Valley.

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